Welcome to GUSS
The Glasgow University Surgical Society (GUSS) is a proud organisation that encourages and facilitates undergraduate interest in surgery. Through our monthly events we offer our members the opportunity to explore the 10 subspecialties of surgery, regularly meet leading surgeons, revise key surgical learning objectives, learn basic surgical skills and even take part in teaching. With years of hard work and the support of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow (RCPSG) our annual undergraduate conference has become a roaring success.
We at GUSS are delighted to be able to offer support to all students at every stage of training all year round, so whether you're looking for a dummies' guide to surgery or specific career pathway advice we are always here to help!

Upcoming Events
- Time is TBDOnline Event
- Tue, 16 MarOnline
Dear All,
We at Project Cutting Edge (PCE) are an organisation created by prize-winning trainees who have ranked highly at national interviews. We aim to help aspiring surgeons like medical students and junior doctors to build happy, successful and sustainable careers by giving them the tools to navigate early careers hurdles.
PCE combines BOTH:
The practical knowledge of playing the portfolio “game” (which helped me to achieve max points for Core Surgical Training Portfolio, and the max number of points for my ST3 Portfolio possible without a higher degree (Diploma, masters, PhD, etc)
The principles and mindset to deliver sustainable personal growth in the long-term inspired by the world’s most successful people and historical figures.
PCE provides digital articles, eBooks, videos about making good career decisions, sustainable portfolio building and mindsets for high performance.
Check out our highly-rated Surgical Portfolio Guidebook at https://www.projectcuttingedge.com/product/portfolioguide/.
Sign up/Like/Follow free at:
The Project Cutting Edge (PCE) Team (Alex, Harry, Tanya, Hugo)